early bird catches the worm

i think this is the mostly uttered phrase from my mother once upon a time,
(when i was still living with my parents)
my mother is such a morning person that i could not keep up with lol
she would always be mad to see i'm still covered in my blanket when she has already finished all her errands in the morning,
but that was like...... 9 years ago?
ok wow, i have never really counted how many years have i left the nest
so it has been 9 years since i have been living apart from my parents.
it was all good Syafi,
you did good, i am proud of you. (self pat my back)

now as I grew older,
i realized how much time have i wasted by not maximizing my morning,
for instance today,
i managed to catch up on soooo many things by starting my day early!
talking about a blessed time huh?

i think weekends are the best time where i can maximize the time for my personal and spiritual growth,
so today i had my cardio done right after my Fajr prayer,
i think i may have developed a soft spot for running now hehe,
i enjoy running xD
i enjoy having my heart rate pumped up.

after my morning run, had my laundry done,
prayed Dhuha,
read a few verses from the Quran, just to set my mind right for the day,
then off I went to treat myself a hearty breakfast.
how cool is that i just discovered a nice, small and cosy cafe in my neighborhood area??
i could just walk here for a quick iced latte fix from now onward.

i took my laptop out,
completed some mandatory training i had to take from my firm,
got ahead with the documents sent by my clients,
and alhamdulillah, everything is going great.

*featuring my finished iced latte lol*

and i just realized, it is only 11.30 AM but it felt super long!
so it is definitely true that rezqi is open wide in the early mornings,
i am regretting all those hours that i have wasted for that "just 5 more minutes" sleep on my weekend.
so friends, let's make our mornings count!

inshaaAllah, to more early mornings week in and week out.
i am still trying to get my weekday mornings starting strong as well,
but sometimes i just got weak aaaaa whai am i weAaak..

it's okay, one day at a time.

at the end of the day,
the consistency is all that matters,
slowly, but consistently inshaaAllah.
afterall, the deed that is most favored by Allah is the one that is consistent,
no matter how small it is. istiqamah is the key here.
we got this mate.

till then,
may glad tidings will always be with you.



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