#4 MRSM Kuantan

A place I used to call home

To some, this might look as some old brick buildings that are so dull, sad, and boring... (what i kinda thought when i first came haha)

I remembered, 7 February 2011. I entered the gate, looking at these buildings with no idea what were waiting for me. To be frank, mrsm was not my first choice. I was crazy over sbp (faris petra, pc to be exact sbb dekat dgn rumah lol).

I was not impressed with their uniform color (beige) HAHAHAHA but a fair reminder that was when I was 15, I was still too young to dumb to realize wkwk. I did had the spark to enter mrsm when I sent my eldest brother to mrsm, I looked mrsm as a very cool institution.

Ok let cut things short.

During my years in lower form (before entering mrsm) I was an intimidated kid. (not entirely but wayyy intimidated) speaking in front of the class was never easy but I was dead active in traditional music team of my school (gamelan player for 2 years). I was in music stream for 3 years, i was doing ok with my classmates as we were being exempted from being ranked into classes so I was in a veryyy comfortable zone -- being with the same people for 3 whole years. I was not active in other aspects, just in music. I havent really ventured into anything new, doing same old same old things. It wasnt all bad though, being a gamelan player we were needed to be in front of the crowd a lot when performing so i wasnt really doing that bad.

When I entered mrsm kuantan, I didnt know, a miracle happened to me I guess? I didnt know where I really received the courage to grab every opportunity that was offered.

During the orientation week, there was a theater audition. I didnt even hesitated for a second and went to the audition. THAT WAS SO NOT ME. I didnt know how, but it just happened. Hahaha! I think something that has been sleeping all along inside me was awaken. Went to the audition, and I was accepted! hahaha even more a miracle. But the theater journey didnt last long as they had practices till 2-3AM so i think i dont wanna continue with that given the fact i was still so new with boarding school system so I thought that it was too overwhelming for me. Btw I had Dyan with me, so I think she had been one of the reason I got courage all over. Thanks Dyan :)

Not long then there's a debate audition came. As I mentioned, I never let any opportunity passed without me trying out my luck haha. Unlike theater, I stick with debate team for the whole 2 years -- the start of my turning point?

I started very poorly, pfft I did so bad. In July 2011, there was Interschool Debating Championship in IIUM Gombak which being held annually. I went to the try-out and as expected I was not chosen. Not disappointed because I was a horrible debater. I merely spoke for 4 minutes (maximum) hahaha
However, one of the debate team member couldnt make it to the championship as something came up. Since they had no one else to choose I made my way to IDC (haha lawakkk) oh tapi IDC was clashing with my INTER MRSM Robofair -- which was held 2 days after IDC (my debate teacher and robotic advisor are married couple btw haha) they gave me choice

--fast forward--
In 2012, during that year IDC tryout, I remember Teacher Wan told me something that I still remember until today. She made me feel worth, she made me realized that I actually had a potential I didnt even knew I posses. She made me believe in myself.

She told me "Syafiyah, you did a very sharp rebuttal points. You made a very good third speaker"

That was a first time someone praised me in debating ahaha so it turned out that I was in the wrong position all while long. I used to play PM role, no wonder.

Well you see, how powerful good words do to people. They gave huge impact more that you could possibly imagine, so let us start saying only good things from now on kayh?

Thanks Teacher Wan for your kind words.

 "Pick one or another. You cant choose both" - Ms Lin.

I went all teary sbb I was more focused on robofair since I knew I stand no chance in IDC ahaa but I wanted to try IDC too so cam sedih..oh and i was robotic club's vp haha

At the end, I chose IDC over robofair. So tata robofair masa tu..

Being to IDC was.., a significant milestone in my life too bcs we had like 3 debates in a day? It was a torment for me since I was a completely novice debater. I didnt do quite well but that has definitely taught me something.

2011 IDC debate team with Ms Lin :)

During my last night in IDC, my robotic advisor called his wife (my debate teacher) saying that I was needed to go to robofair. A complete wonder as I actually managed to go for both! Robofair was held in MRSM Trolak, Perak -- it was a great experience and sweet memory jugak! tehee (mrsm students tahu apa yang best pegi inter-mrsm sbb dapat jumpa mrsm students all over malaysia)

Those stories were my start, the very first step i took to get out of my comfort zone. I pushed myself to go out, I'm glad I did, alhamdulillah 'ala kulli hal.

I am who I am today because of all that happened since the day I entered this school.

I had courage to try new things, didnt feel afraid to screw myself doing them ahaha. During those 2 years, I had an amazing roller coaster journey. I never remain seated, I would always find things to do haha I was involved in too many things that if I were to list them I run out of pages (k tipu). Tapi mrsm students mmg most of us are familiar with being busy with stuff that are not just academical but co-k semua tak dok diam I tell you. Serba boleh gitu ehek. MARA has a very good curriculum strategy, a standing ovation for them please.

Oh yes! My peers were my booster too because everyone of them was very competent, everyone is so goood. Idola lah org kata haha so I had the urged to improve myself to be at the same par as the rest. When you are thrown into a pack of wolves, you grew as tough and strong over times. My batchmates are amazing people who are very passionate, energetic, motivating, and inspiring! We kinda feel motivated just by being with each other. So thank you my batchmates, suzuranku.

Suzuran graduation - 20 October 2012

This school taught me a lot in spiritual, academic, self development and most importantly taught me to be a well being person.

Not just all that, while being here I learned about true friendship, sacrifices, total dependency in Allah, love, self esteem and more.

Classmates yang mmg dah masak dgn perangai each other

Jadi, di MRSM Kuantan lah segalanya bermula. I am forever in debt with the teachers, my friends and MARA for they were the one who shaped me to whom I am today. Thank you.

InshaaAllah one day I'll return the favor to the young generation.

What I want to emphasize is, you will never know your true potential, capabilities if you do not get out of your comfort zone, trying something new. In my case, I didnt even know that I could do all the things I did because I never done that before. So, take every opportunity you had and just do it!

You are more than you think, ALWAYS. Have faith in yourself, be brave, and you will soon learn your true value :)

Best wishes,
Syafi xD


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