#2 Why are we here?

A bridge at Merlion Park, Singapore. Photo by: Me!

Good day and assalamu'alaikum you people of the Earth!

How great it is to still be given the blessings to breathe this free air, look upon the azure blue skies, smells the rain, listen to the raindrop as it touches the Earth and be given yet another day to indulge in! Have you be thankful for those gifts today? If you haven't then just BE THANKFUL NOW haha.

Wow it took me one month to come up with a second post ahaha I am such a bummer in this blogging world. Alas, I am keeping in my own pace :p

I was studying for finals at 4AM last two days and it was raining. The sound of the rains soothes my mind more than anything else. I was ultimately contented by the sounds and the smell of rain that a thought came to my mind,

" O Lord, deaf people had never able to appreciate the tranquil from the sounds of the rain. Blind people had never seen the raindrops falling on the leaves. There are people who had never enjoyed a proper meal. How blessed am I?! "

Often, I would ponder into things that fulfill me and think of how some people were not given the same gifts that I received. Be it as simple as enjoying looking at the blue tint of skies in which color blinded people could not even admire. Those little things make me to be thankful endlessly and I want you all to feel the same way too! Never take all the blessings that you have for granted :)
You'd appreciate your life and live to the fullest once you've mastered this art (The Art of Being Thankful :p)

Okay so that's that.

"Why are we even here?"

Without doubt, I know everyone must have had this thought at least once in their lifetime. It is in the nature of human, to question their existence. No matter who you are, your soul would want to have answers to this question.

To put this in another word, what is the meaning of life?

Fuhh what a serious deep talk I'm digging into!

What I personally believe is, we are here for a cause. We are not here by chance, but we have a purpose to fulfill. But what purpose are we talking about exactly?

 As a Muslim we know unquestionably why we are here; to worship Allah. Because in the life of a Muslim, EVERYTHING that we do, is a form of worshiping God. We go to work, we cook for our family, we took out a few bucks from our pocket to a homeless, we speak good to people, we sleep, we jog to keep fit of our health; is a worship. That is why you'd seldomly heard people say that 'Islam is the way of life'. Because Islam is really the true path in living your life.

But what life is for the people who do not believe in God?
What is their ultimate purpose of life? (this is me really asking the question, please enlighten me in the comment section!)

Personally to put this in general, I believe that we are here for other people. To do good causes for the world, to bring impact in the live of others. Together every live join hand in hand in prospering this world because everyone has got unique gifts in them that would make a hugeee contribution for the world. This is how your life is going to bring a meaning. Isn't it?

If you really think about it, there is no person that is completely the same as another person in this 7.4BILLION world population. Forget talents or innate motives, there is absolutely no two person having the same exact face! Even monozygotic twins have slight distinction from one another (Subhanallah)

Therefore, each individual posses gifts and life that is valuable to this entire existence. I want to share this very essential concept of life according to a book which is 'Langit Illahi written by Hilal Asyraf'. This book is so good!

This book is not in my possession at this moment so I need to save that for another post teheee.

You are not obliged to accept my personal view nor am I asking for approval. This is what I believe.
But please, I crave to know your views! Please share what are your views in the comment box :)

Together we shall enter the deep deep well and never return ahaha lets have #deeptalk sesama jom! #DeepTalkBuddies are the best kind of people

Well I guess this is what I've got to write for 'Why are we here' series 1 (fulamak ada series pfft) haha because I will be posting about this matter occasionally in the future so expect more discussion and sharing regarding this topic!

And until then,

Best wishes,
Syafi Nabilah.


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