Make way for January!

 Salam all! It's 29th January 2021 today so i thought i'd quickly log something here just for the record. Also, the keyboard which I've ordered a few days ago just came so gotta try it out :p

It's MCO (movement control order) again here in Malaysia though I am not really seeing any major difference or improvement we're making. Daily cases are still more than 4 thousands so yeah you get me when I said I don't see any differences than before.

Nonetheless, I am seeing a difference in me. I am more motivated at work than usual these past days alhamdulillah. Perhaps because my engagements are slowly closing up, so things are slowly coming together now. I also am busy looking inwards, focusing on my internal growth and blessings that I don't have time to look around and compare myself with anyone else. 

Sometimes I find myself doing that, thinking of the "what ifs",

"What if I work as this, wouldn't my life be xxxx"

"What if I did that before, wouldn't I xxx"

It could go on and on until I am exhausted and forget the very reason why I am here. I am not here to prove my significance to other people, I am here to witness the significance of Allah. Knowing this I breathed easy, for I know that my value is based on my relationship with Him. Anybody can have a good relationship with Allah, regardless of their job, title or past. Everyone has the same equal opportunity to be a good Muslim.

Everything is enough. Whatever He has granted me is enough.

My life is enough, I am enough.

However, having said that I still am anticipating for what's (or who's) coming. I figured that I have cleared up some space in my life for Allah's surprises :D

photo credits by AAPlus

Sooo looking forward for 2021 <3

Till then, may glad tidings will always find you. 

xx S


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