alhamdulillah, all is khayr

 Assalamualaikum all.

Ma Shaa Allah it's been 8 months since my last post! Time really flies so fast Subhanallah! It is now middle of December, we're entering 2021 super soon.

Looking forward to things even though the vaccination has not started, but I'm keeping good faith, as usual hehe :p

So many things happened this year;

1. I've started my own girl gangs (on 12th July 2020 to be exact), we call ourselves Gratitude Girl Gang which was the best thing I've done and those girls are the best kind of people. I always make prayers for them even though most of them are strangers to me. But our friendship is the best kind of friendship for we constantly remind each other of Allah swt and we were brought together in the spirit of gratitude.

There were initially 4 mini groups but I had to downsize it into 3 because sis needs to sort out her priorities haha. I'm striving for consistency so I had to delete the group that was not so active, sorry for that but I have clear target. You are welcomed to join anytime if you feel like you can commit to it ok?

Everyday I am served with beautiful gratitude notes from each of them, my heart is so full every day alhamdulillah. Whenever I feel sappy, those messages lifted me up!

One thing I've noticed since I've started this is that I am definitely more conscious about my blessings. I have been logging consistently since July (yeah I missed a day or two but no longer than that haha) I pay extra attention to every single event unfolding in my life daily cause I had to do that while writing those gratitude message down. I had to reflect and sort of rewind the day in my mind. 

And let me tell you this, it changed my life. Subhanallah, Allah never breaks His promises. 

"If you are thankful, I will give you more" (14:7)

Everyday is good, every thing is khayr. Alhamdulillah. 

When I set out my foot with gratitude lens, I walk out of the house having this mindset 

"Ok, let's see what I can be grateful for today" or "Okay, I can't wait to receive Allah's blessings for today"

It changed your life. Instead of, "Ahh another day blerghhh", it changed to "Looking forward to reflect and witness Allah's plan for me"

It's just beautiful. 

I may not say this a lot but these girls in GGG is one of the thing that I am MOST GRATEFUL FOR this year. 

If anyone of you are reading this, thank you for joining me in this journey. I hope we will embark 2021 and so many years ahead together, In Shaa Allah can't wait to meet all of you (27 of you girls) in real life once Covid ends! 

2. I managed to reach my reading target. But heck, if I'm a reader, I shouldn't be counting books lol. Nonetheless, I'm glad I reached this stage in my reading journey. Since the consistency class from AAPlus, I am inspired to create my identity. So here are some of the identities I wish to be associated with:

i) a person of Alhamdulillah! (GGG)

ii) a reader.

iii) a thinker. 

iv) a person of zikrullah.

Okay let's just keep it there first :p 

So far I'm happy to say that I am somewhat those four things I described. May Allah swt allows me to remain steadfast in this journey ameen.

3. a renewed declaration of faith. I have been digging in a lot of Islamic books/talks this year and alhamdulillah I feel like a renewed person. I've renewed my faith & my target as a Muslim. 

exhibits of some of my books hehe xD

There's only one thing I am going to be doing moving forward; which is only to witness Allah swt. To become an ibadurrahman, the slave of the Most Merciful. That's my job title moving forward hehe, a slave to Allah swt. 

I am not here to work things out, or make things out of myself, or figure things out or whatever along that line (you get my point), I am here to worship Allah swt. Because once I start to do this right, everything will fall into its rightful place. Wallah. I feel so much at peace and light having this realization. It was an epiphany hehe. Also I have a confession, I love this Syafi so much more hehe. 

This Syafi has more light in her eyes and hearts, and may Allah swt remains her that way ameen. Also, I feel like I have not been focusing much on the "Nur" in my name that much when Prophet Muhammad SAW has a specific prayer of nur (prayer of light). 

Let me share it here;

So perhaps one more identity that I'd love to be associated with is a nur, a nur to my family, friends and every where I go. Someone made such a beautiful remarks and prayer to me the other day;

So, shall I be the nur to your eyes? (cringeeee okbye)

To be honest, there's so much more happened this year despite the pandemic. Sometimes I am left in awe thinking that all these happened only in this year alone, Allah is The Almighty isn't He? I'll save those for some other posts or maybe nahh, I'll just keep it to myself I guess :p

This year is definitely a year to be cherished and remembered. 

I just had to take the time to write this post cause my mind is just blowing up at work, I had a meeting until 1AM last night and this week alone had been such a roller coaster! Alhamdulillah regardless, received some very good news despite the not so fun news haha! Well life is all about the balancing act, without the bad news, how would you cherish the good ones aite?

Ok back to work. May glad tidings will always be with you <3


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