First Peak Season

My my my,

7 months after my last time writing here. Told ya I'm bad at keeping up with my blog. Nonetheless, I hope I am able to write something useful today.

Year end means only one thing to fellow auditors - PEAK PERIOD.

It doesn't feel like we're entering a new year at all, because we're so occupied and overworked. Massive workloads, dealing with so many parties, and systems (as for IS Auditors)

Just to put a background, if yall haven't known it yet I'm currently working as an Information System Auditor at KPMG Malaysia. Not sure whether I've mentioned this in any of my post this year or not but yeah just saying this here. This is gonna be my first peak period as an Associate. I was an intern during 2017 peak period which means I was only able to experience the surface of it all. Now with the real position only I get to see the real deal (although the seniors leading the engagements are definitely having them even worse). As someone who has always used to be busy (since my high school years I was never remain seated) I anticipated this peak season the most during our FTA (free-to-assist) days. I get drained everyday when we were in our off-peak season cause I need challenges and pressure to breathe.

Up to date, there are five concurrent engagements I'm dealing with. The scope differs. I've got two major engagements that runs for a few months (huge scope, huge size of company, tedious approach) and a few with smaller scopes (but very challenging clients to deal with :'))

Entering my sixth engagement in two weeks, praying that He would ease everything. So far, as for my own assessment I think i'm still doing okay. The progress for each engagement is doing rather well. From my 5 engagements, two of them have been selected for in-flight review (will be reviewed internally by the Department of Professional Practice) For us, this is a huge deal because it'll be an extra tedious process to complete. I kinda thrilled to get selected as I get to experience them early during my working years cause I can learn the most quickly. Definitely will have to be on my toes when performing the testings.

Life as an auditor teaches me that, every single detail matters. Yall have no idea how tiny information can mean so much in the audit finding haha. That's when I realized that life works the same. Every little thing matters in life.

The 10 seconds phone call to your parents telling that "I've arrived home from work" matters.

The "Drive safely" wish to the grab drivers matters.

That smile you gave to some strangers on the train matters.

That "Thank you, have a lovely day" to the cashier matters.

Ultimately, EVERYTHING YOU DO MATTER. Always vibrate the positive vibes. You will only attract positive things in your life inshaaAllah. Sure, inevitably there'll be some turbulence and downfall because that's how life works. But once your paradigm is positive, your takeaway from all those events will be bringing you up rather than drowning you.

To re track to my post title, to fellow auditors out there (and any other career), take care of yourself. Manage your time well, manage your expectations on yourself and go home early. The only reason I'm staying late at the office is only to enjoy the wifi and have my dinner at OU haha (in default settings, I will always end my work at 6.30PM) after those hours is only me enjoying my time watching netflix or catching up with some good stuff to read online 😛

Know your way to recharge, then go recharge yourself. Work is only one of the many parts in your life, do not focus all of your energy to that. There's family, friends and other causes in this world deserve your attention. This is when knowing your purpose (your Why) in life comes in handy 😊
At the end of the day, you want to have a meaningful life. That's what I strive for. So, as long as whatever I'm doing serves my purpose I'm at peace inshaaAllah.

December is gonna be super critical. Please send me your prayers so i can close the engagements peacefully huhu (5 engagements but still no ring sobs lol jk im not ready or more accurately; im scared)

May all the peace and blessings be with you 💗


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